This was my latest big activity. The company Caterpillar locked out their London, Ontario locomotive workers on new years day expecting them to take a 55% wage cut on the threat that they would move their facility to Indiana, US. The workers are striking and not backing down. Recently local TSC Stores, which specialize in home and garden machinery and supplies have stopped selling Caterpillar goods. CAMI workers in Ingersoll, Ontario have blocked a Caterpillar made Locomotive from being delivered to its customer.
The following images come from a demonstration at Victoria Park, London, Ontario. It was held to protest the actions of Caterpillar and corporate greed. This was the largest demonstration to ever take place in London; estimates reaching 15,000.
Nycole Turmel, interim leader of the New Democratic Party of Canada
Peggy Nash and myself. She is an NDP Member of Parliament running for the leadership of the NDP.
Ken Lewenza, President of the Canadian Auto Workers (CAW), giving a very inspiring speech.